La Pinta Pomegranate Tequila 750ml

La Pinta has a surprisingly fresh and complete taste profile and can quite literally be chilled and poured straight into the glass as a perfect cocktail. The ultimate smoothness of Clase Azul silver tequila blended with pure and rich pomegranate flavors combine into the most delicious spirit.

The name “La Pinta” is rich in history and is most often associated with the fastest of the three ships used by Christopher Columbus in his first transatlantic voyage. Both the ship La Pinta and the first pomegranate fruits were brought to México from Spain hundreds of years ago. This lends even more depth to the heritage of this magnificent Mexican spirit.

Years ago, natives of this “Land of Colors” in Nahuatil created a drink made with pomegranate juice and a distilled spirit known as “Ponche de Granada”. The creators of La Pinta drew on their fondness for the traditional pomegranate punch and developed an ultra-premium liqueur which is truly authentic to Mexico. By using Mexico’s pride spirit, tequila, blended with rich and exotic pomegranate flavors, La Pinta is in a category of its own.


Sidewalk Spirits


La Pinta has a surprisingly fresh and complete taste profile and can quite literally be chilled and poured straight into the glass as a perfect cocktail. The ultimate smoothness of Clase Azul silver tequila blended with pure and rich pomegranate flavors combine into the most delicious spirit.

The name “La Pinta” is rich in history and is most often associated with the fastest of the three ships used by Christopher Columbus in his first transatlantic voyage. Both the ship La Pinta and the first pomegranate fruits were brought to México from Spain hundreds of years ago. This lends even more depth to the heritage of this magnificent Mexican spirit.

Years ago, natives of this “Land of Colors” in Nahuatil created a drink made with pomegranate juice and a distilled spirit known as “Ponche de Granada”. The creators of La Pinta drew on their fondness for the traditional pomegranate punch and developed an ultra-premium liqueur which is truly authentic to Mexico. By using Mexico’s pride spirit, tequila, blended with rich and exotic pomegranate flavors, La Pinta is in a category of its own.

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