1792 Sweet Wheat Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
1792 Sweet Wheat Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Crafted with sweet and delicate wheat instead of the more traditional rye, this bourbon is quite distinctive from most. The soft wheat delivers a subtle and smooth taste with gentle layers of flavor. Each sip expresses a harmony of sweetness and dryness.
A well-balanced bourbon with delicate body. Notes of vanilla and caramel are complemented by a touch of white oak tannins. This is further mingled with dried fruit to deliver a richly smooth flavor.
Deep colour, almost opaque.
Aroma of excellent complexity, with wild bush and spicy notes like curry, pepper and ginger, red berries and black fruits mixed with a light cacao touch, the result of a good maturation, along with a slightly stony finish.
On the palate it has a powerful attack, with a lively acidity, firm and well present tannins, wild bush and red berry notes, with an extremely long finish and great concentration.
“Thanks to the characteristics and potential of the vineyards at Quinta do Seixo, it was possible to cut through the strong maturations of this year's harvest. As a result, we produced very balanced and robust wines, with aromatic notes typical of more mature years.” - Luís Sottomayor, head of Sogrape's winemaking
Quinta do Seixo Vintage is a unique expression of this renowned estate, where a combination of soil, slope inclination, sun exposure and reduced amount of available water contribute to the production of intense and complex wines.The 100-year-old vines producing Port create wines full of intensity, character and freshness.